Monday, September 30, 2019

Natural disaster risk assessment and risk management

Disasters have occurred in the world over for many years. They have occurred both in MDCs and LDCs. These disasters have either been caused by human forces or natural forces or interaction of both natural and human forces. When they occur they cause serious challenges and consequences to the economies of affected areas or countries. It’s estimated that the world looses over 750 dollars annually as a result of disaster. In most cases, the phenomenon that triggers disasters is beyond human control. In general the loses that causes natural disasters are largely a function of human factors which are human decisions, human actions and human choices or sometimes lack of these. Before I go into specifying a specific human disaster threat, it is important to exactly know what a disaster is or what it means. A disaster means misfortunes or calamities. It can also be termed as an incident of great harm and distress. It’s a serious disruption of functions of society causing widespread human, material or environmental loses that exceed the ability of the affected society to cope using its own resources. In this case, I am going to specifically dwell on earthquake as a natural disaster and its threats. Earthquake is a tremor caused by the disturbance of the earth surface. When it happens it causes great destruction economically, socially and even psychologically to the people living around. Because earthquakes are natural disasters, human have no control over them and this can explain why naturally occurring disasters have serious impact on human society. They only leave human beings with the option of reducing their impacts when they occur. As I have mentioned before, disaster is a result of human force, natural force or a combination of both; management for these disasters have been put in place. Disaster management simply is a body of policy and administrative decisions and operational activities which pertain to various stages of a disaster at all levels. So disaster management body has to come up with personnel and facilities dealing with earthquakes. The personnel includes both the administrative, individuals and community actions who try to minimize loss of lives or/and damage of facilities. This they do through disaster preparedness includes efforts for effective rescue of people involved in the earthquake disaster, relief and also rehabilitation and reconstruction of destroyed materials like buildings. The administration, individuals and community also engage in disaster mitigation which encompasses all measures to reduce the impact the earthquake disaster phenomenon by improving the community’s ability o withstand the impact of the earthquake. This they do through the prevention, preparedness and real response of earthquake disaster during or after which includes relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction. Earthquake disaster will definitely leave behind vulnerable people who are prone to it again incase it occurs again. To be vulnerable is to live with a likelihood that one will suffer from hazardous events. In the society, some people are more vulnerable than others. The nearness to hazardous places the more the consequence one will face. Earlier, earthquake disasters have established that natural hazards are a cause of vulnerability to disasters. People who live or work in certain areas are prone to disasters that may occur to such areas. This means that humans living or working in certain areas make themselves vulnerable to earthquakes disaster, for example if they live in areas of volcanic activities then they are prone to earthquakes or earth movements respectively. Vulnerability is simply reduced to zero by people not living in affected areas. Scientists, technologists and engineers have attempted to predict hazardous events and development of technologies that can enable human structures to withstand earthquakes. The assumption has been that events are acts of nature that cannot be prevented but rather there are possibilities of reducing their consequences. As a result of this, technologies and materials for building and construction for example have been developed so that they can withstand earthquakes or earth movements. In spite of many games in the scientific and technological process to control vulnerability to earthquake disasters people continue to be injured, die and loss of property. One reason for this is because many earthquake disasters predictions and other mitigative technology are costly and individuals and communities are either unwilling or unable to afford them. The costs tend to set criteria for deciding on what mitigation methods to use under various circumstances.   So according to this view, although vulnerability is a cost, vulnerability reduction is itself costly. As I mentioned before, disaster does not choose specific people and the nearer one gets to it or lives near it the more vulnerable he or she becomes. Earthquakes disasters do not choose the poor or the rich but it affects anyone or everyone. So earthquake or earth movement disasters impose a varied number of consequences on the humans, animals, physical and environmental aspects. These consequences can be in view of the time period of a disaster that is either short term, mid term or long term. To UNECLAC, effects of disasters are short term consequences of disaster that comprise of direct damage,, indirect damages and secondary effect. Impacts comprise of economic, social, psychological and environmental impacts. These are mainly long term consequences of disasters. The worst case scenario that determines the degree of risk is whereby disaster occurs because people who are vulnerable simply do not know when the disaster may occur, what protection measures to take and these coupled with negative attitudes towards use of certain measures. This increases human suffering from disastrous situation. A good example here is a case where by simple earth tremors or movements occur frequently leaving   people with a normal assumption that such have been happening and that have never had effect on them. This will definitely make everyone to take such scenarios for granted not knowing that one day the tremor can turn out to be an earthquake. When it turns to be earthquake, it will find everyone unaware and hence will end up affecting the majority. The fact that disaster can happen anywhere and anytime, everyone should be prepared. Earthquakes disasters are categorized as either simple, Meagre or complex. What one society can look at as a simple earthquake disaster can be perceived as complex earthquake disaster by another society. Some disasters are also seen as rapid while others seen as slow. I may say that most earthquakes disasters can be considered as initially slow or creeping because mostly they begin as earth movement or tremors before ending up as earthquakes which are considered to being rapid. Earthquakes are as a result of natural forces or an interaction of human and natural hence they are beyond human control thus the society should be prepared on how they can be mitigated however much costly it may be. People should also be prepared because of the damages the earth quakes cause whether partial or complete destructions of physical infrastructure like buildings, people, communication networks, machineries, etc.   They can be indirect damages that the damage to the flow of goods and services that can neither be produced nor distributed when a disaster occurs. Indirect damages are of four folds namely; increased population costs, increased damages, loss of corporate incomes and unexpected expenditures. In conclusion, earthquake disasters neither belong to the rich or poor but to everyone. This means it can affect everyone as long as one lives on the earth’s surface. References

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Stefan’s Diaries: Origins Chapter 7

The next week passed in a blur. I ran from fittings at Mrs. Fells's dress shop to visits with Rosalyn in the Cartwrights' stuffy parlor to the tavern with Damon. I tried to forget Katherine, leaving my shutters closed so I wouldn't be tempted to look across the lawn at the carriage house, and forcing myself to smile and wave at Damon and Katherine when they explored the gardens. Once I went up to the attic to look at the portrait of Mother. I wondered what advice she'd have for me. Love is patient, I remembered her saying in her lilting French accent during Bible study. The notion comforted me. Maybe love could come to me and Rosalyn. After that, I tried to love Rosalyn, or at least garner some kind of affection for her. I knew, behind her quietness and her dishwater blond hair, she was simply a sweet girl who'd make a doting wife and mother. Our most recent visits hadn't been awful. In fact, Rosalyn had been in remarkably good spirits. She'd gotten a new dog, a sleek black beast named Sadie, which she'd taken to carrying everywhere lest the new puppy suffer the same fate as Penny had. At one point, when Rosalyn looked up at me with adoring eyes, asking if I'd prefer lilacs or gardenias at the wedding, I almost felt fond of her. Maybe that would be enough. Father had wasted no time in planning another party to celebrate. This time, it was a barbecue at the estate, and Father had invited everyone within a twenty-mile radius. I recognized only a handful of the young men, pretty girls, and Confederate soldiers who milled around the labyrinth, acting as if they owned the estate. When I was younger, I used to love the parties at Veritas–they were always a chance to run down to the ice pond with our friends, to play hide-and-seek in the swamp, to ride horses to the Wickery Bridge, then dare each other to dive into the icy depths of Willow Creek. Now I just wished it were over, so I could be alone in my room. â€Å"Stefan, care to share a whiskey with me?† Robert called out to me from the makeshift bar set up on the portico. To judge from his lopsided grin, he was already drunk. He passed me a sweating tumbler and tipped his own to mine. â€Å"Pretty soon, there will be young Salvatores all over the place. Can you picture it?† He swept his hands expansively over the grounds as if to show me just how much room my imaginary family would have in which to grow. I swirled my whiskey miserably, unable to picture it for myself. â€Å"Well, you've made your daddy one lucky man. And Rosalyn one lucky girl,† Robert said. He lifted his glass to me one last time, then went to chat with the Lockwoods' overseer. I sighed and sat down on the porch swing, observing the merriment occurring all around me. I knew I should feel happy. I knew Father only wanted what was best for me. I knew that there was nothing wrong with Rosalyn. So why did this engagement feel like a death sentence? On the lawn, people were eating and laughing and dancing, and a makeshift band made up of my childhood friends Ethan Giffin, Brian Walsh, and Matthew Hartnett was playing a version of â€Å"The Bonnie Blue Flag.† The sky was cloudless and the weather balmy, with just a slight nip in the air to remind us that it was, indeed, fall. In the distance, schoolchildren were swinging and shrieking on the gate. To be around so much merriment–all meant for me–and not feel happy made my heart thud heavily in my chest. Standing up, I walked inside toward Father's study. I shut the door to the study and breathed a sigh of relief. Only the faintest stream of sunlight peeked through the heavy damask curtains. The room was cool and smelled of well-oiled leather and musty books. I took out a slim volume of Shakespeare's sonnets and turned to my favorite poem. Shakespeare calmed me, the words soothing my brain and reminding me that there soothing my brain and reminding me that there was love and beauty in the world. Perhaps experiencing it through art would be enough to sustain me. I settled into Father's leather club chair in the corner and absentmindedly skimmed the onionskin pages. I'm not sure how long I sat there, letting the language wash over me, but the more I read, the calmer I felt. â€Å"What are you reading?† The voice startled me, and the book slid off my lap with a clatter. Katherine stood at the study entrance, wearing a simple, white silk dress that hugged every curve of her body. All the other women at the party were wearing layers of crinoline and muslin, their skin guarded under thick fabric. But Katherine didn't seem the least bit embarrassed by her exposed white shoulders. Out of propriety, I glanced away. â€Å"Why aren't you at the party?† I asked, bending to pick up my book. Katherine stepped toward me. â€Å"Why aren't you at the party? Aren't you the guest of honor?† She perched on the arm of my chair. â€Å"Have you read Shakespeare?† I asked, gesturing to the open book on my lap. It was a lame attempt to change the conversation; I had yet to meet a girl versed in his works. Just yesterday, Rosalyn had admitted she hadn't even read a book in the past three years, ever since she had graduated from the Girls Academy. Even at that, the last volume she'd perused was merely a primer on how to be a dutiful Confederate wife. â€Å"Shakespeare,† she repeated, her accent expanding the word to three syllables. It was an odd accent, not one that I'd heard from other people from Atlanta. She swung her legs back and forth, and I could see that she wasn't wearing stockings. I tore my eyes away. â€Å"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?† she quoted. I looked up, astonished. â€Å"Thou art more lovely and more temperate,† I said, continuing the quote. My heart galloped in my chest, and my brain felt as slow as molasses, creating an unusual sensation that made me feel I was dreaming. Katherine yanked the book off my lap, closing it with a resounding clap. â€Å"No,† she said firmly. â€Å"But that's how the next line goes,† I said, annoyed that she was changing the rules of a game I thought I understood. â€Å"That's how the next line goes for Mr. Shakespeare. But I was simply asking you a question. Shall I compare you to a summer's day? Are you worthy of that comparison, Mr. Salvatore? Or do you need a book to decide?† Katherine asked, grinning as she held the volume just out of my reach. I cleared my throat, my mind racing. Damon would have said something witty in response, without even thinking about it. But when I was with Katherine, I was like a schoolboy who tries to impress a girl with a frog caught from the pond. â€Å"Well, you could compare my brother to a summer's day. Y ou've been spending a lot of time with him.† My face reddened, and instantly I wished I could take it back. I sounded so jealous and petty. â€Å"Maybe a summer's day with a few thunderstorms in the distance,† Katherine said, arching her eyebrow. â€Å"But you, Scholarly Stefan, you are different from Dark Damon. Or †¦Ã¢â‚¬  –Katherine looked away, a flicker of a grin crossing her face–â€Å"Dashing Damon.† â€Å"I can be dashing, too,† I said petulantly, before I even realized what I was saying. I shook my head, frustrated. It was as though Katherine somehow compelled me to speak without thinking. She was so lively and vivacious–talking to her, I felt as though I was in a dream, where nothing I said would have any consequence but everything I said was important. â€Å"Well, then, I must see that, Stefan,† Katherine said. She placed her icy hand on my forearm. â€Å"I've gotten to know Damon, but I barely know you. It's quite a shame, don't you think?† In the distance, the band struck up â€Å"I'm a Good Old Rebel.† I knew I needed to get back outside, to smoke a cigar with Mr. Cartwright, to twirl Rosalyn in a first waltz, to toast my place as a man of Mystic Falls. But instead I remained on the leather club seat, wishing I could stay in the library, breathing in Katherine's scent, forever. â€Å"May I make an observation?† Katherine asked, leaning toward me. An errant dark curl flopped down on her white forehead. I had to use all my strength to resist pushing it off her face. â€Å"I don't think you like what's happening right now. The barbecue, the engagement †¦Ã¢â‚¬  My heart pounded. I searched Katherine's brown eyes. For the past week, I'd been trying desperately to hide my feelings. But had she seen me pausing outside the carriage house? Had she seen me run Mezzanotte to the forest when she and Damon explored the garden, desperate to get away from their laughter? Had she somehow managed to read my thoughts? Katherine smiled ruefully. â€Å"Poor, sweet, steadfast Stefan. Haven't you learned yet that rules are made to be broken? Y can't make ou anyone happy–your father, Rosalyn, the Cartwrights–if you're not happy yourself.† I cleared my throat, aching with the realization that this woman who I'd known for a matter of weeks understood me better than my own father †¦ and my future wife †¦ ever would. Katherine slid off the chair and glanced at the volumes on Father's shelves. She took down a thick, leather-bound book, The Mysteries of Mystic Falls. It was a volume I'd never seen before. A smile lit her rose-colored lips, and she beckoned me to join her on my father's couch. I knew I shouldn't, but as if in a trance, I stood and crossed the room. I sank into the cool, cracked leather cushion next to her and just let go. After all, who knew? Perhaps a few moments in her presence would be the balm I needed to break my melancholia.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Asthma Is A Chronic Lung Disease

Cystic Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis is the most chronic lung disease amongst children and teens. Cystic Fibrosis is a disease passed down through the parents, if both parents have the defective CF gene then it is passed down to the spawn. About 1,000 cases of Cystic Fibrosis are diagnosed each year, 70,000 people today suffer with this disease. Out of those 70,000 people, my nephew is one of those diagnosed with this disease. Usually people with this disease only live up to 30 years of age, isn 't it†¦ Asthma is oftentimes overlooked or brushed to the side when talking about disabilities, especially when it comes to discussing disabilities among school children. Due to modern medicine and an increased knowledge about the disease, those affected by it are often able to live normal healthy lives. Despite being treatable, asthma is not a disease that should be taken lightly. Boushey & Fahy state that asthma wasn’t considered a severe disease until the 1960’s when several asthmatic deaths took place†¦ Asthma is a chronic long-term disease that affects breathing tubes that carry air in and out of the lung, it can further be defined as a persistent inflammatory disorder that is linked up with physiological abnormalities in the airways, which can be a variable airflow limitation and airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR). The physiological uneasiness in the airways can be variable symptoms like chest tightness, shortness of breath, cough or wheeze. In some case, these symptoms can be mild or even absent†¦ Lung cancer is a disease that affects the lungs. This type of cancer initiates in the lungs. The lungs are two spongy like organs in the chest that take in oxygen when you inhale and release carbon dioxide when you exhale. People who smoke have the greatest risk of lung cancer. The risk increases with the numbers if cigarettes you have smoked. If a person quits smoking, they can reduce the chances of developing lung, cancer. It is estimated that about 90% of male lung cancer deaths and 75–80% of†¦ Asthma is chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by variable and reversible airflow obstruction. The symptoms of asthma include shortness of breath, cough, chest tightness and wheezing. Genetic factors are thought to play an important role in the development of the disease, however the phenotype expression is profoundly affected by environmental factors1. Asthma affects 334 million people all over the world and is the most common chronic disease among children2. In the UK alone†¦ trying their first cigarette? Kids can get asthma from smoking cigarettes. Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the airway and lungs. When you get asthma you will have very bad chest pain, their will also be sharp chest pain. Their also can swollen thee airway and it will make it hard to breath. Asthma is a very bad disease that can kill you, it has to be treated with a nebulizer and you are making your asthma might go away. You also can get an asthma attack it can happen when you are born early†¦ Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the bronchial mucosa that causes bronchial hyper responsiveness, constriction of the airways, and variable airflow obstruction that is reversible. Asthma occurs at all ages, with approximately half of all cases developing during childhood and another third before age 40 (McCance & Huether, 2014). The most common symptom of asthma is wheezing. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, chronic coughing, chest tightness, and trouble sleeping at night†¦ Lung diseases are very prevalent in the United States. According to a study, COPD is diagnosed in almost 24 million individuals in the US and is among the top 4 reasons of death in the country (Rubin, Dhand, Ruppel, Branson, & Hess, 2011). Other prevalent lung illnesses in the United States are asthma, pneumonia, and ARDS, which all correlate with the concept of gas exchange. In each phase in the continuum of healthcare, nurses will be faced with a patient who is diagnosed with a respiratory illness†¦ The disease of the lungs, COPD, can be traced back to the 1600’s. It was the year 1679 when Swizz physician, Bonet, defined the disease as â€Å"voluminous lungs.† About a century later Italian anatomist, Giovanni Morgagni, termed cases of the lungs as â€Å"turgid.† A series of illustrations of the emphysematous lung putting forth the pathology of the disease was published by Baillie in 1789, thus emphysema was known to be a part of COPD early one (Mandal 2013). Over the years, Chronic Bronchitis became a†¦ LUNG CANCER Hadar Leybov Lung cancer is a disease that affects the lungs. This type of cancer initiates in the lungs. The lungs are two spongy like organs in the chest that take in oxygen when you inhale and release carbon dioxide when you exhale. People who smoke have the greatest risk of lung cancer. The risk increases with the numbers of cigarettes you have smoked. If a person quits smoking, they can reduce the chances of developing lung, cancer. It is estimated that about 90% of male†¦

Friday, September 27, 2019

Chicano movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Chicano movie - Essay Example Several reasons abound why El Norte and The Official Story movies were made especially in the reflection of women’s lives from different perspectives. For instance, in both movies, the directors were attempting to expose the plight of women in the face of adverse atrocities caused by civil war when there is little intervention (Elena & Marina 112). El Norte reflects the lives of two native youths forced to escape Guatemala at the start of the 1980s because of political violence and ethnic bloodletting that eventually resulted to Guatemala Civil War. The decision to escape depicts a serious desperation that characterizes the fate of the two lead characters that are both young and confused in life. On the other hand, The Official Story is premised on the Dirty War in Argentina that resulted to the forced disappearance of leftist rebels who opposed the government. In that aspect, the upper middle class family that has adopted an illegal child comes out as aloof from the unlawful stealing of children from jail after the arrests of their parents. The hypocrisy is evident in Alicia, the wife of a businessman called Roberto who is not aware of the ongoing suffering and pillage in her country until her colleague and another student remind her of the ongoing war. It means the films were also made to expose how women impact the unity of families during serious conflicts such as wars. Telling the above stories is important because they recreate a new narrative that enables viewers to interpret the two civil wars in different ways. It also raises the awareness of empathizing with women and families that suffered such as Rosa and Enrique in El Norte who struggle to find a home after running away from Guatemala. Narrating the stories equally reveal the relationship between the disintegration of families and how it affects social structures as noted with Alicia the school teacher together with her businessman husband in The Official Story. The couple is challenged to t ake a decisive action in understanding how the children of other dissidents disappear (Hart 189). They also demand to comprehend why they own Gaby yet her family may have been killed in the forced disappearance perpetrated by the state. Another reason for telling the stories is to uncover the truth and reality that occurred during both civil wars that targeted defenseless victims such as Zaide and David who are caught up during their youth. In the Dirty War, the stealing of children meant that the state in collusion with the military junta had no mercy to protect any group of civilians irrespective of their age. This necessitated ruthless targeting of orphaned kids such as Gaby now struggling to identify their real parents. On that consideration, telling the stories from a woman’s perspective is an attempt to induce both sympathy and empathy in the state of affairs where the government has abandoned her citizens. In El Norte, for example, the story is set in San Pedro, a smal l Guatemalan village where the Xuncax family lives peacefully while picking coffee. The family belongs to the Mayan tribe and is ravaged by the exploitation that involves the government

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Assess the extent to which governments shape the global oil economy Essay - 1

Assess the extent to which governments shape the global oil economy. In your analysis, consider the respective roles of nature, industrial structure and war - Essay Example Often, governments use regulatory policies such as tax exemptions to encourage private companies to drill oil in the region. The Iraqi government pays oil-drilling companies a fee per barrel, as an incentive for them to meet the unrealistic quotas it sets (Muttitt 2012, p. 1-2). Corruption amongst government officials remains the biggest challenge of oil production in the region. For example, the two ruling families of Kurdistan destabilize oil production in the region through indiscriminate trading of oil through corrupt means (Muttitt 2012, p. 1-2). Generally, any form of conflict, be it external or internal adversely affects a country’s economy. Jones (2012, p. 208) infers that successful oil production in the Middle East peaked US’ interest, which in turn led to the latter invading the former. Years of war adversely affected the Middle Eastern states especially their economic output. Muttitt (2010, p. 1), states that nine years after the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq resulted in increased oil output whereby in 2011, Iraq ranked second among other countries affiliated with OPEC. In conclusion, civil war, unfavorable government policies, and the limited nature of natural resources adversely affects oil production across the globe. Weeding out corruption in government, adoption of renewable (alternative) sources of energy, and preventing the onset of war are factors likely to improve the global oil

Interferences in the Assay of Serum Albumin Using the Bromcresol Green Lab Report

Interferences in the Assay of Serum Albumin Using the Bromcresol Green Indicator - Lab Report Example Albumin's molecular structure was reported from research in the past 30 years. Albumin's clinical importance was discussed, explaining that the test for Albumin is not a marker for any specific disease, while it is an important indicator for the physiological condition of the body. It was explained that an abnormally high result for Albumin needs to resolved and at face-value is considered a spurious result. The cause of elevated albumin levels are usually a result of accompanying serum proteins, acute phase infections, elevated immunoglobulins(found in multiple myeloma), or autoimmune issues. The BCG method was thoroughly researched. It is a valuable test for screening, when performing mass analysis of blood work in large clinical laboratories. It has fallen out of favor with laboratory clinicians for fear that the test can mask hypoalbunemia and low readings. BCG is an acid-base indicator, its acid to base color change is from yellow to blue, with a range in pH from 4.2-5.6. The de tection of hypoalbunemia is always important to a physician. Low Albumin readings are indicative of a deteriorating condition in the body. An alternative to the BCG indicator is Bromcresol Purple(BCP), also an acid–base indicator. A comparison studies have been performed of the two methods. When compared to a benchmark analytic method Capillary Zone Electrophoresis(CZE), the positive bias for BCG was 3.77, while BCP faired much better with 0.67. Our experiment produced linear curves needed in detection and quantification of albumin concentrations. We demonstrated the effect on accompanying globulins elevating the result in BCG determinations of albumin. We also showed that time, reagent concentration and wavelength of absorbance significantly affect albumin readings. We bring to consideration for further testing the affect of pH on the test. Background and Literature review In clinical medical laboratories the testing for serum albumin, globulins and total protein are standard procedures, performed daily. Theses assays may also be requested STAT or on an emergency basis for patients suffering a crisis situation. The techniques for determining albumin and total protein are numerous and varied. Most clinical laboratories perform three routine three routine examinations; 1) Total Protein(TP) 2) Serum Albumin(Alb) 3) Serum Globulins Human blood contains both a cellular and liquid portion. Albumin is the most abundant protein in the human circulatory system1 and contributes 80% to providing colloid osmotic pressure2. Albumin is chiefly responsible for maintenance of the blood's acid-base balance, commonly referred to as pH3. In mammals it is synthesized by the liver as a preproalbumin. It undergoes a two cleavage processes before release into the body's circulation in its final form. It has been determined that the half-life of a albumin molecule is 19 days4.. Figure 1: Molecular Cleavage of albumin from preproalbumin->proalbumin->albumin Figure 2: The classical perception of the Albumin molecule Peters, T., Jr. (1985). Serum Albumin. Adv. Protein Chem.37; 161-2455 Figure 3: Primary, secondary and tertiary structure (Carter and Ho, 1994) . 6 This picture shows the bovine albumin amino acid sequence. The BSA molecule is made up of three homologous domains (I, II, III) which are divided into nine loops (L1-L9) by 17 disulphide bonds. The loops in each domain are made up of a sequence of large-small-large loops forming a triplet. Each domain in turn is the product of two subdomains (IA, IB, etc.). The primary structure of albumin is unusual among extracellular proteins in possessing a single

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Project Proposal Paper Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Project Proposal Paper - Coursework Example Skyscrapers and major highways have been completed using the leading mechanism applied in the planning of the procedures from the draft structure to the completed piece that is erected on the ground. The procedures and processes applied within the steps leading to the final steps into the construction of the mechanism to present an image that creates a strong societal mechanism. The need to present a stable structure is necessary to accord a structure to be used in variable generations to reduce on the costs incurred in maintenance of the structural feature. The completed structure would be dependent on the features applied within the construction of the completed work. The other mandatory feature would be the provision included by the supervisor of the project and the contribution that they implement in the completion of the structure. Sustainability plays a chief role in selling the idea of preserving resources and presenting a lasting strategy that would present the motive to pres ent preservation of the available features. The input provided within the completion of a project to extend sustainability would be identified through predicting the mechanism applied within the strategy that present a completed piece. ... Homes, offices, roads and recreational structures are erected based on the output presented in the construction industry. The means also presents the platform to employment of highly qualified individuals in engineers and other workers that may be trained to handle the equipment. Sustainability presents the means that would ensure products are produced to last longer and preserve the environmental features to reduce the costs and human lifestyle that may be presented within the future living (Environment Agency 2012, p1). Sustainability is used to present the effects noticed to the environment and the materials applied within the construction process to deliver the strategy needed in completing a stable and unique structure. Sustainability would be presented as a positive feature to the users of the completed structure and an increased incentive to the owners of the property to be completed. With the right procedures applied to present the feature, relationships may be strengthened w ith the stakeholders and present the feature to be included to deliver economic profitability. Sustainable development introduces the measure used to deliver corporate responsibility towards the environment and the mechanism that would be applied to justify the mechanism applied in the project layout. Sustainable development is presented to deliver the satisfaction that would be projected to the future generations that are catered for in the current project. Sustainability in the construction is offered value in the technique and mechanism applied to deliver the means witnessed to present the stable structure to be utilized within the future society. The example is witnessed in known structures that have marked the pillars of towns and famous cities universally. From the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Business law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Business law - Assignment Example In his mind, he thinks that the car is in good condition. By bad luck, the mechanical problem re-occurs two days later and consequently, the car is involved in road carnage. The taxi driver evaluates the problem and come to a conclusion that the car had the mechanical problem before the purchase. The seller by omitting the true mechanical condition of the car violated the Contract Law (Marson 352). Contract Law is a group of regulations that guide buyers and sellers on how to conduct their business. Legal actions are taken in case one party violates the Contract Law. Therefore, the taxi driver will use the Contract Law in court to against the car seller. The law allows the payment of any loss or damage caused by omission of vital information by the seller. However, the buyer must prove that the Contract Law was indeed violated. The Contract Law has four main elements. The first element is the offer given by the seller with conditions of the item on sale, the price, and the date by which the offer will expire. The second element of Contract Law is acceptance. The buyer accepts the conditions given and registers the intention to buy the item. The third element is the legal agreement. The buyer and the seller make a legal binding. The last element is consideration where the buyer pays or gives a later date to pay the item on sale. In the case between the car seller and the taxi driver, the offer given did not include the poor condition of the car intentional (Marson 352). The taxi driver bought it at the worth of a car with good conditions. He joins into a legal agreement and makes payment only to realize that the car had mechanical problems two days later. The seller violated the Contract Law by giving false information about his car and is supposed to pay the damages and the loss incurred by the taxi driver. However, the chances of the taxi driver winning this case are

Monday, September 23, 2019

Defend the position that Plato takes that philosophers should be Essay

Defend the position that Plato takes that philosophers should be rulers, or the contrary, that rulers should not be philosophers - Essay Example Democracy in Athens has been full of individualism and political selfishness. In addition, most people living in Athens captured governmental jobs for their own self-centered reasons and finally divided the city into two hostile groups of the rich and poor. The other group formed was that of the oppressor and the oppressed. Conversely, Plato’s philosophy on virtue and justice greatly impacted democracy. Plato’s viewpoints provided a well-known place to the notion of justice. He was not happy with the existing decaying conditions in Athens. A number of his attacks majorly criticized the unpaid meddlesomeness and extreme uniqueness. He criticized the system of government through the creation of an ideal society where justice was embraced in all the activities within the city. This is because Plato had discovered that the problems in this context could only be treated by ensuring that people are treated equally and with a lot of justice. It is important to note that there had been a number of hypotheses of justice before Plato came into the limelight. Therefore, he had to reject the theories. For instance, he did not support the traditional theory of justice since he believed that justice was about saying the truth and settling one’s debt. According to Plato, the theories which were presented by Cephalus, Thrasymachus, and Glaucon had a common element. They handled justice an achievement, importation, or convention. Therefore, he was able to verify that justice is not based on chance, togetherness, or external forces. He was able to provide different meaning of justice hence people could easily understand what he meant. For instance, the people living in Athens accepted that justice cannot be obtained without three elements (reason, spirit, and appetite). Democracy also prevailed after people had realized that their souls operated without affecting other elements in the body. There are also three categories of the social organism-philosopher

Sunday, September 22, 2019

War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning Essay Example for Free

War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning Essay The book â€Å"War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning† by Chris Hedges provides in-depth discussion of the appeal and pull of war on national actions and attitude of people towards the war. The author highlights fifteen years of experience and reports through his own prism the very nature of the war, its causes and terrible consequences such as numerous deaths, hunger, cataclysms, etc. Moreover, Hedges discusses physical and moral devastation the war leaves. The author claims that war should be considered a deadly addiction or a drug which offers intoxication. He argues that war is meaningless and in reality war is only the basest form of aggression. One interesting moment is that the author argues that the war has attractive nature. He writes: Even with its destruction and carnage it can give us what we long for in life. It can give us purpose, meaning, a reason for living. Only when we are in the midst of conflict does the shallowness and vapidness of much of our lives become apparent. War makes the world understandable†¦ (p. 54) Hedges explains that the leading causality in war is the truth. He means that hesitations and doubts whether the war is justified aren’t permitted. The state and the news media are to be blamed for fostering the myth of the good and bad sides of the war. He argues that mythic war â€Å"reporting sells papers and boosts rating†. (p. 156) War myths are created to provide the nation with illusion of clear chain of events that prove nobility of the cause and aggression of others. Moreover, war myths are necessary for making people follow leaders, fight and die for them. However, one of the worst myths is the plague of nationalism. Hedges writes that it is nationalism that divides people on the basis of their culture, ethnicity, language, etc. Nationalism teaches nation to consider itself either superior or minor. Actually, nationalism is one of the most frequently observed causes of war nowadays. Culture is seen as the victim of war as war applies cultural peculiarities to its own purposes. Finally, the author assumes that religion is the only ultimate power that can resist war. Charity, kindness, love and humanity are able to fight the evils of war. References Hedges, Chris. (2002). War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning. New York: Public Affairs.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Perpetual Motion And Movement Engineering Essay

Perpetual Motion And Movement Engineering Essay The term perpetual motion exactly refers to the movement that goes forever. However the term usually refers to any device that Always produces more energy than it consumes that ultimately results in a net output of energy for indefinite time. The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, according to this law there could not be any such kind of machine in existence. The most commonly contemplated type of perpetual motion machine is a mechanical system which sustains motion indefinitely, regardless of losing energy to  friction  and  air resistance. A second type of impossible perpetual motion machine is one which does not violate conservation of energy, but produces work by spontaneously extracting  heat  from its surroundings, thereby cooling them down, and converting the heat energy into mechanical work. Such machines are prohibited by the  second law of thermodynamics. BASIC PRINCIPLE OF PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINE The perpetual motion machine violates both first law of thermodynamics and second law of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics is essentially a statement of conservation of energy while the second law has so many different kinds of definitions, and can be described in many ways. The most common definition of second law is heat always flows from hot body to colder body. No heat engine can be more efficient than a Carnot heat engine Machines which are claimed not to violate either of the two laws of thermodynamics but rather to generate energy from unconventional sources are sometimes referred to as perpetual motion machines. By way of example, it is possible to design a clock or other low-power machine, such as Coxs timepiece, which runs on the differences in barometric pressure or temperature between night and day. Such a machine has a source of energy, albeit one from which it is impractical to produce power in quantity. CLASSIFICATION OF PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINE PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINE OF FIRST ORDER PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINE OF SECOND ORDER PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINE OF THIRD ORDER PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINE OF SECOND ORDER Impossible machines. Our second kind is of machines that challenge logic; like the drawings of Maurice Escher, where water runs perpetually downhill, but in a closed cycle. In fact, Escher did make one drawing of a waterwheel run perpetually in such a flow (See Figure ). Another impossible machine has weights of magnitude 9 on one side which become of weight 6 on the other when the weights turn upside-down It is a machine which spontaneously converts thermal energy into mechanical work. When the thermal energy is equivalent to the work done, this does not violate the law of conservation of energy. However it does violate the more subtle second law of thermodynamics. This type of machine is different from real heat engines (such as car engines), which always involve a transfer of heat from a hotter reservoir to a colder one, the latter being warmed up in the process. In a perpetual motion machine of the second kind there is only one heat reservoir involved, which is being spontaneously cooled without involving a transfer of heat to a cooler reservoir. This conversion of heat into useful work, without any side effect, is not possible, according to the second law of thermodynamics. In relevance, for example, an automobile engine is not a perpetual motion machine because it works on the basis of the temperature difference between the fuel burning in the cylinder and the cooler environment outside. In order so that it functions, some of the chemical energy released as heat when the fuel burns must not be converted to work, but must be exhausted to the cooler reservoir of the environment by the exhaust gas and the radiator. As explained by statistical mechanics, there are far more states in which heat distribution is close to thermodynamic equilibrium than states in which heat is concentrated in small regions, so temperatures will tend to even out over time, reducing the amount of free energy available for conversion to mechanical energy. Why is Perpetual Motion considered to be Impossible? The idea of perpetual motion sounds so clear-cut. An electric car powered by perpetual motion could recharge its own batteries forever, or a perpetual motion clock could without human intervention rewind itself for years. But there is a reason why perpetual motion machines remain in the area of dream; its the Laws of Thermodynamics. Some inventions may appear to run by perpetual motion, but they usually rely on a hidden source of external energy. Both the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics keep our perpetual motion car in the garage. According to one portion of the First Law, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed to different forms. The batteries which power an electric car only contain a fixed amount of energy. Most of this energy goes into propelling the electric motor, but some is inevitably lost through friction and the recreation of momentum after a stop. Our perpetual motion cars recharger would have to create even more energy in order to keep the batteries at full capacity. No such power generator exists, nor can one be built if the Laws of Thermodynamics are true. The Second Law of Thermodynamics also prevents perpetual motion machines from becoming reality. Part of the Second Law states that heat energy inevitably seeks out cold areas, eventually creating a neutral temperature state called entropy. This means our proposed perpetual motion car will eventually conk out from a lack of usable heat energy. The motor casing gets hot during work, and some of that heat energy would be dissipated into the air, not back into the battery system. Since external factors such as gravity and friction would be constantly pulling on the machine, eventually all of the usable energy would be lost. Perpetual motion machines would only be possible if a substance could be found that generated more energy than it used. Some inventors hoped that radioactive materials would prove to be useful as perpetual motion engines, but their energy is still considered finite. Magnets have also been used to power would-be perpetual motion machines, but their continued operation often requires some external energy source. Gravity is usually considered a force hostile to the cause of perpetual motion, but some inventors use gravity to their advantage when creating theoretical perpetual motion machines. Because scientific laws and theories generally deem perpetual motion impossible, patent offices are extremely reluctant to grant patents for such machines. Proposed perpetual motion machines are the only devices which require a working model at the time of patent application. To date, no inventor has successfully submitted a working model of a true perpetual motion machine MACHINES THAT WORKS ON PERPETUAL MOTION Motionless Electromagnetic Generator, a device that supposedly taps vacuum energy. Perepiteia, a device that claims to utilize back EMF. Stanley Meyers water fuel cell Motionless Electromagnetic Generator An electromagnetic generator without moving parts includes a permanent magnet and a magnetic Core including first and second magnetic paths. A first input coil and a first output coil extend around Portions of the first magnetic path, while a second input coil and a second output coil extend around Portions of the second magnetic path. The input coils are alternatively pulsed to provide induced Current pulses in the output coils. Driving electrical current through each of the input coils reduces a Level of flux from the permanent magnet within the magnet path around which the input coil extends. In an alternative embodiment of an electromagnetic generator, the magnetic core includes annular Spaced-apart plates, with posts and permanent magnets extending in an alternating fashion between the plates. An output coil extends around each of these posts. Input coils extending around portions of the plates are pulsed to cause the induction of current within the output coils. WATER FUEL CELL The water fuel cell is a purported perpetual motion machine invented by American Stanley Allen Meyer (August 24, 1940   March 21, 1998). He claimed that an automobile retrofitted with the device could use water as fuel as a substitute of gasoline. The fuel cell supposedly split water into its component elements, hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen was then burned to generate energy, a process that reconstituted the water molecules. According to Meyer, the device required less energy to perform electrolysis than the minimum energy requirement predicted or measured by conventional science. If the device worked as specified, it would violate both the first and second laws of thermodynamics, allowing operation as a perpetual motion machine. Meyers claims about his Water Fuel Cell and the car that it powered were found to be fraudulent by an Ohio court in 1996. Throughout his patents and marketing material, Meyer uses the terms fuel cell or water fuel cell to refer to the portion of his device in which electricity is passed through water to produce hydrogen and oxygen. Meyers use of the term in this sense is different towards its usual meaning in science and engineering, in which such cells are typically called electrolytic cells. Furthermore, the term fuel cell is generally reserved for cells which produce electricity from a chemical redox reaction, whereas Meyers fuel cell consumed electricity, as shown in his patents and in the circuit pictured on the left. Meyer describes in a 1990 patent the use of a water fuel cell assembly' and portrays some images of his fuel cell water capacitor. According to the patent, in this case   the term fuel cell refers to a single unit of the invention comprising a water capacitor cell   that produces the fuel gas in accordance with the method of the invention. REFRENCES US Patent # 6, 362, 718, Motionless Electromagnetic Generator Patrick, et al. (March 26, 2002)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Time to Choose is Now :: essays papers

The Time to Choose is Now A fatigued traveler approaches a clearing in a forest where a cloaked woman stands. â€Å"Where am I?† he asks. Silence. The woman, instead, counters with a question of her own. â€Å"I greet you at the Crossroads of Time, my friend. Or is it foe? Would you like to feel my love or to feel my wrath? It is but your choice.† â€Å"I—do not know you, but—† â€Å"Answer correctly!† â€Å"I hope to be a friend, although—† â€Å"Then you shall learn much,† she interrupted. Out of her cloak emerged a slim, delicate hand, gesturing upwards as if holding a fragile object. An image projected out of that ghost-like palm, showing three paths. Although muffled, the figure spoke: â€Å"Three paths lie in the journey of life†¦three very different paths.† The semblance focused on the left-hand passage. â€Å"To the left you see a barren land where only the Devil dares to dwell.† As she spoke, a column of white fire erupted from the dead earth. â€Å"The course on the right shows an unending paradise filled with majestic phenomena nurtured only by the holy God.† Multi-colored creatures glide through the clear sky. She paused, staring at the middle path. Filled with uncertain fear, she tightened her gaze upon the projection. Finally, the woman spoke. "Towards the middle lies a path, cloaked with intangible forests, where only the bravest enter.† She stared directly into the stranger's eyes before continuing. â€Å"Those who go in never come out.† The woman tilted her head slightly, allowing a slight shaft of light to penetrate the impending darkness. Seeming to read his mind, she repeated the question he mentally asked. â€Å"Why? Because of an indestructible danger? Or of a pleasure so great that it gives no leave. That is for you, vagabond, to find out.

Shakespeares Hamlet †The Character Laertes :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Hamlet – the Character Laertes      Ã‚  Ã‚   In â€Å"The World of Hamlet† Maynard Mack describes the interference of a possessive Polonius in the life of his son, Laertes:    â€Å"The apparel of proclaims the man,† Polonius assures Laertes, cataloging maxims in the young man’s ear as he is about to leave for Paris. Oft, but not always. And so he sends his man Reynaldo to look into Laertes’ life there – even, if need be, to put a false dress of accusation upon his son (â€Å"What forgeries you please†), the better by indirections to find directions out (250).    Mack describes one of the lesser problems in life which Laertes must deal with. The son of Polonius and brother of Ophelia, Shakespeare’s Laertes must suffer the demise of both father and sister during the course of Hamlet. Helen Gardner, by way of overview, compares Laertes to Hamlet and King Claudius in â€Å"Hamlet and the Tragedy of Revenge†:    Hamlet’s agony of mind and indecision are precisely the things which differentiate him from the smooth, swift plotter Claudius, and from the coarse, unthinking Laertes, ready to â€Å"dare damnation† and cut his enemy’s throat in a churchyard. (222)    Laertes makes his appearance in the drama after Marcellus, Barnardo and Horatio have already seen the Ghost and have trifled with it in an effort to prompt it to communicate with them. Horatio and Marcellus exit the ramparts of Elsinore intending to enlist the aid of Hamlet, who is dejected by the â€Å"o’erhasty marriage† to Hamlet I’s wife less than two month’s after the funeral of Hamlet’s father (Gordon 128). After this scene, Laertes is one of many in attendance at a post-coronation social gathering of the court at Elsinore. Laertes, like Fortinbras a rival of Hamlet (Kermode 1138), comes with his father, Polonius, who manipulates both him and his sister (Boklund 122).G. Wilson Knight says, â€Å"Instinctively the creatures of earth—Laertes, Polonius, Ophelia, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, league themselves with Claudius: they are of his kind† (N. pag.). Claudius insincerely pays tribute to the memory of his own deceased brother, the former king, and then conducts some items of business, for example dispatching Cornelius and Voltemand to Norway to settle the Fortinbras affair. Laertes has meanwhile approached the king, who asks, â€Å"And now, Laertes, what's the news with you? / You told us of some suit; what is't, Laertes?† Laertes responds:

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

I have chosen to study the poems Uphill and Remember. Uphill is Essays

I have chosen to study the poems Uphill and Remember. Uphill is based on the theme of afterlife. Rossetti was always known to have a strong belief in the afterlife, I have chosen to study the poems 'Uphill' and 'Remember'. Uphill is based on the theme of afterlife. Rossetti was always known to have a strong belief in the afterlife, and symbolises this in 'Uphill'. The poem itself is written in a unique style. A style which I feel interacts the poet and the reader. The poem is an exchange of questions and answers that compares life to a journey. The journey is "Uphill all the way ".However at the end is an inn, a resting place that cannot be missed and which has a room for everyone! The poem is typical of Rossetti's religious beliefs; being part of an Anglo-Italian family which had strong religious convictions. Christina Rossetti's portrayed image of life being recognised as a painful task: "it's uphill all the way". Consequently it is the duty of mankind to undertake the trip in hopes of a peaceful rest in heaven as a reward, a reward for all obstacles that obstruct you in life. All the pain and suffering are to be expected, not resisted. One benefits from them in the end. I have noticed that particular words such as "road", "the days journey" have the same symbolic meaning in my opinion. As well as links between words like "resting place", "inn", "that door" and "beds" all interpret the same thing; death will come for all. Rich or Poor. From my previous statements I will say again that the poems perception; end of life, could well be saying that it is the end of all our work and problems that evolve or evolved around us. "Remember" is seemingly similar to uphill, but I think it illustrates a c... ...because she would rather know that he is happy than that he is, in a sense, dead while alive. We should all apply this message to our lives because it is truly the best way to deal with the death of one we love in my opinion. From comparing these two poems they both signify interpretations of her life but "Uphill" sounds like it is her own beliefs and ambiguous thoughts on what life beholds for everyone. Although she states that there are "beds" and "doors" free for opportunity. However she doesn't deliver us a true meaning which suggests everyone has a "door" at the end of life. Only for "those who come". From this point of view, the end of life is not seen as sending the believer to heaven and the unbeliever to hell. All it simply portrays is that it is the end of life's problems. Now this clearly reflects Rossetti's life, so on an overall I do agree.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Creative Writing Aptitude Essay

Being a writer is someone who uses writing on a regular basis. You have to be a writer before you can be a good writer. It’s about being good or at least good enough. But students don’t see themselves as writers at all because they have been structurally defined as deficient. This means that a student is someone who does not write up to a certain standard of performance with academic discourse. A writer does not simply write at someone else’s command but on their own initiative. So as a writer and a student you need an independent plan into which you fit into a certain given curriculum and writing assignments. That doesn’t mean you should be single-minded, but rhetoric and composition needs be a place where students should realize they need to take control for their educational experience. Rhetoric and composition have become a part of how we do things since we have been young. We are eventually taught in school the types of writing we will need to use in our everyday situations to help us communicate to others for a specific purpose and effectively. This writing informs, persuades, or explains what it is we want the audience to know or come away with. R & C studies use academic essays, papers, memos, or class handouts while creative writing studies primarily create literary works. Students are not there to compare one another as writers, artists, or human beings in general. It is a way for each of us to develop our own writing style and self-expression. It builds up the individual’s ability to express his or her own thoughts and technique more clearly by engaging into writing to get our mind working. Creative writing and compositions studies†¦ seem to operate with a distinct sense of a constituency for its teaching, an audience for its writing, and a function it performs† (Lardner, 770). Creative writing is a way to express what you feel inside your heart or the ideas that are in your head. It gives the writers a means for expressing their views of their surroundings and their world. Individuality exists in creative writing because the work is never the same as someone else’s. It is a personal expression that comes from each individual writer at each individual moment. However, the true test of creativity occurs when the writing can be said to give readers an experience. For that the reason the writing is called Creative because it creates an experience in the minds of its readers. Examples of some these writing forms are: poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction. Each form has its own concepts involved with R & C because creative writing uses your self-expression as a big part of development than formality. Let’s start off with poetry. Poetry is possibly the most comprehensive way we have of expressing ourselves. Poetry works at a deep level of emotion. â€Å"To feel emotion is at least to feel. The crime against life, the worst of all crimes, is not to feel† (MacLeish, 66). Poetry opens up your emotions and helps you express anything through the use of metaphors, images, and feelings. â€Å"Often the poet operates by suggestion and implication† as well (Adams, 11). Poetry starts in odd phrases, an image, a tune in the head, a deeply incoherent pain. The originating emotion still congests the lines or, in striving for uniqueness, the work becomes untidy, exaggerated or confused. So each property (meaning, association, weight, color, duration, shape, texture, etc. ) changes as words are combined into phrases, rhythms, lines, stanzas and eventually completed poems. Out of those properties the poetry is built, even if the end cannot be entirely foreseen. In responding to what has been written; feeling it, understanding it, and extending its potential with imagination, honesty and sensitivity that very fine lines, vocal use, ample sympathies, kindness of heart and a consideration for the human condition become essential. But poetry is nothing without extended labor. In contrast to the development of a delicate tension between speaker and subject, between various parts of a poem and between the feelings warring within the speaker,† there also can be a â€Å"considerable looseness and vagueness† (Adams, 15). You can either have a clear understanding of what you think the poetry is portraying or you can be at a complete loss. Poetry trains the personality needed to be an artist, an unlimited capacity to be honest and take pains. It calls for self-criticism, which becomes essential as a writer’s talents develop. Criticism also â€Å"hones† skills that involve the poet’s needs by close reading, clarification and evaluation. It also requires the analysis and growth out of the very development between audience response and the poet. â€Å"The poet writes to [an audience] representing artistic perfection rather than to a reader chosen at random† (Adams, 143). Poetry may be complex, requiring a good deal of sorting out, but there has to be an immediate impact of some sort that allows the reviewer to be in awe. Poets need to know what’s been done before, and how comparisons may be objectively undertaken. The next form I will discuss is fiction. Fiction is most definitely my favorite. The first thing you need to know is the age group you are writing for. You can write for children, teenagers, young adults, adults, etc. This is perhaps a really important step before writing because you need to know what your audience wants and expects. After you have selected your age group then take the time to see what is out there in the age range that you want to write for. If the current rage is spaceships and outer space themes then writing about cowboys just won’t cut it unless the cowboy is somehow swept into outer space. You also need to research what you will be writing about because some of the time you won’t know much about the topic you’ve chosen. â€Å"Research gives you a chance to investigate all those subjects you’ve always wanted to know about and it gives the breath of life and authenticity to your work† (Kubis, 150). Once you’ve done some research, now it is time to get started. Remember all fiction has a beginning, middle and an end. You need to start your story at the point that something happens to change it all by giving your characters a problem. It must be a worthwhile dilemma. For example, a girl who wants to move out of her parents house and is trying to find an apartment that she really wants when her parents refuse to help her because she can do it on her own is not an interesting problem. On the other hand, a lady who has three days to move out of her parent’s house is a more intriguing problem. Give your audience a reason to support your main character. â€Å"You want to achieve a character that is so real, so human, it seems inevitable that [she] does the thing you’ve determined [she] must do† (Kubis, 49). Your story should progress toward the middle, the climax of your story. â€Å"The hero had to solve the dilemma [herself], without having outside forces do it for [her]† (Kubis, 3). It should climax into a problem that is worth caring about, and â€Å"it should influence the outcome of the story†¦ [but it] does not necessarily resolve the story [only] provides information that leads to the resolution† (kubis, 113). From there you need to let the readers know how it was adequately resolved with a positive result or a defeat. Then there is view point is which the story being told. Who is telling the story or through whose eyes is the story being related? Is it a narrator, the main character, a secondary character? Once you start with a viewpoint stick with it. Do not switch from character to character. Also stay away from over used phrases. Over done phrases are a definite no. Describing something ‘as black as night’ is too boring. Look for a different way of saying the same thing. You could say ‘black ink dark’ or ‘all encompassing black’. Make a list of all the overdone phrases you can think of and then practice saying them a different way. Nothing is ever said in your story that doesn’t lead you somewhere. Know how to correspond properly. It will make all the difference to a readers understanding of what you are trying to say. Never throw in information that does not lead your story forward. Try to find a fresh way of telling a story by saying it again but differently. If everyone is writing about pirates it can get pretty boring after awhile if you use a similar plot line like everyone else. Find a fresh way of telling the same story, maybe from a captive’s point of view or how someone became an unwilling pirate. Use the phrase what if. Ask what if such and such happens what would be the result and if this happened what would be the outcome. This is the time to use your imagination. Get creative and see where it leads you. The last form I will talk about is creative nonfiction. Not a lot of people know what it is and it can take on different styles: a narrative, personal essays, memoir, travel writing, food writing, biography, literary journalism, short stories, etc. It’s where you research a topic just as a journalist does but the writer must write in scenes. They don’t think of facts as the basic building blocks of their stories; they think scenes instead. A scene in creative nonfiction occurs in a specific place (where); usually the narrator and one or more others are there (who); at a particular time (when); something happens (what); people converse (dialog or captured conversation); and sometimes someone thinks about something. We like to see scenes in front of us since life does seem to occur as a series of scenes. To get a story from a particular subject you may have to be pokey by uncovering innermost thoughts and feelings of those interviewed. There’s highly involved research effort required that the writer should be willing and financially able to stick with a story for weeks, months, or even years. The creative nonfiction writer can’t work out of his or her memory and imagination alone, he or she must conduct research out in the real world, the raucous world, the dirty world. You should go around collecting facts from dusty records at City Hall, interviewing experts, and talking with the people involved. Also talk with the people immediately involved in the tory to flush out, and add fresh ideas, ideas you might never have come up with on your own, provide different angles, views, perspectives, and insights on the person or the topic under study. This requirement to work away from the studio or the study turns some writers away from this form of writing. Others love that side of the profession, it’s what draws them in. An important consideration before you begin to write in scenes is choosing the structure of your writing in the first place. â€Å"Structure is the arrangement of parts and all the techniques you use to hold the parts together and make it do what it is intended to do† (Gerard, 156). Most creative nonfiction writers may have a structure well in mind before writing at all because the material is promoted in the subconscious. Having the security of structure, or even just some structure, enables the writer to relax and play with any number of creative possibilities to perk up each scene. Since creative nonfiction is typically written scene by scene and is usually joined or separated by passages from a running account of what is happening at the moment, you need to study and perfect the structure. Some of these potential scenes will be embedded in the narrative synopsis, but it’s important to first identify the scenes that make up a story. The writer needs to select only those events that seem to have the greatest potential and then organize them into what seems will be the best sequence, which is not always chronological. â€Å"The hardest part of writing creative nonfiction is that you’re stuck with what really happened – you can’t make it up† (Gerard, 5). The goal is to communicate information, just as a reporter does, but in the way you construct a story. The relationship between the one who tells the story and the story itself may help determine if the story should be told in the first or third person point of view. Some say the third person point of view is the most difficult but the most rewarding since the author has to stay more out the way. In writing in first person narrative you need to learn how to get out of the way by being subjective but maintain objectivity. Just remember that you are the first person or narrator. It’s a balancing act but it has to do with finding a voice. Once the voice is found, the writer can posture, say things not meant, imply things not said, and have fun. Once you find the right voice for a piece of writing, it allows warmth, concern, compassion, flattery, and shared imperfections. You can also show something about a person by letting the reader hear him or her speak when people appear, particularly when they begin to converse, to help the story come to life. We have to learn to watch people unusually close, especially for anything unusual or distinct. Include in your report poses, posturing, habitual gestures, mannerisms, appearances, and glances. Writers frequently describe a group’s entertainment as a way to understand the group frequently looks at the way people dress. Writing about the typical daily life of a person helps illuminate a book and brings in the focus. The creative nonfiction writer can and should occasionally vividly describe the day-to-day life of one person. You should capture conversations and also show the reader how things look to your character in the world, leaving the reader to interpret what it all means. Although usually done sparingly, you might introduce your thoughts on the situation or the people. This emotional content enables you to create dramatic, vivid, accurate scenes. Creative nonfiction is the ability to capture the personal and the private by making it mean something significant to a larger audience. It also provides intellectual substance that will affect readers perhaps even provoke them to action or to change. The relationships of Creative Writing and R & C to one another deserve attention in a number of ways. When we put words onto a paper, it’s our own individual way of expressing what we want to say. As I stated earlier, poetry is possibly the most comprehensive way we have of expressing ourselves. Poetry works at a deep level of emotion. The fact that poetry and prose have coincided in a long line in rhetorical study is, of course, a rewarding area of study. In fact, there’s much to be learned about audience and rhetorical situation by positioning oneself as the writer of poems. Even though rhetoricians might cringe at the idea of having students write styles of poetry, this area of study would be of great benefit to those examining the practice of rhetoric. It might also help rhetoric’s become better communicators to examine their own language to become more fluid, more colorful, and more imaginative. Also it would benefit all audiences to think of writing as a beautiful relationship of language and author. That’s if only because the process has such potential to benefit from the voices and views of others on their own journeys and might allow a fuller recognition of ways composition studies and creative writing coincide.

Monday, September 16, 2019

College Preparedness Essay

Today’s students face a world influenced by a global economy, technological advances and rapid changes in the way we share information, communicate and conduct business. It has never been more critical to help them build the knowledge, skills, behaviors and awareness necessary to succeed in college and beyond. Improving postsecondary success for all our citizens, but most urgently for low-income and minority students, is vital to our nation’s economic and social health, and global competitiveness. Yet, college remediation and completion rates suggest that many students leave high school without the skills and knowledge required to succeed in postsecondary education. (media. collegeboard. com/Feb. 26,2013) College today means much more than just pursuing a four- year degree at a university. Being â€Å"college-ready† means being prepared for any postsecondary education or training experience, including study at two- and four-year institutions leading to a postsecondary credential (i.e. a certificate, license, Associates or Bachelor’s degree). Being ready for college means that a high school graduate has the English and mathematics knowledge and skills necessary to qualify for and succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing college courses without the need for remedial coursework. Although students have ambitious educational and career aspirations, many lack basic information about how to fulfill their postsecondary goals. Many students and their parents fail to plan because they do not have the essential information resources, personal support networks, and structured programs they need to effectively perform educational and postsecondary planning activities (Cabrera & La Nasa, 2000; Hrabowski et al. , 1998; McDonough, 1997). Some students and their parents have a vague understanding or hold misconceptions about high school course requirements for college admission, the importance of teachers in college planning, and college tuition costs (Choy, Horn, Nunez, & Chen, 2000; Hrabowski, Maton, Greene, & Greif, 2002; Schneider & Stevenson, 1999; Venezia et al., 2003). (www. aypf. org/ Feb. 27,2013) There are multiple steps that students and their parents can take to successfully plan for postsecondary education and become college ready. These steps build upon one another to help students make the transition from secondary to postsecondary education and training (McDonough, 1997). The early stages of postsecondary planning can include, but are not limited to: 1) Considering postsecondary education, 2) Deciding to attend college, 3) Maintaining good  grades, 4) Gathering information about the college admissions process (including college admissions tests), 5) Discussing educational and career goals with counselors, teachers, and parents, 6) Obtaining information about colleges and academic programs, 7) Obtaining information about financial aid opportunities, and 8) Exploring college major and career interests. (www. act. org/Feb. 27,2013) Schools should provide the tools, information, and resources to guide students and their parents through the postsecondary planning process and make successful educational transitions. And it is important for schools to initiate this planning process by the middle school years. This early educational planning can guide students’ experiences in middle and high school and help them make informed educational decisions. A key aspect of early educational planning involves the exploration of educational and work options. Students have many postsecondary choices, including two-year colleges, certificate programs, four-year colleges, the military, and employment. They often begin taking steps to make their educational goals a reality by taking college preparatory courses, maintaining good grades in these courses, participating in extracurricular activities, and learning about ways to finance postsecondary education (Cabrera & La Nasa, 2000). And they may regularly engage in conversations about their futures with their friends, parents, teachers, and counselors (McDonough, 1997). College Costs. Most parents believe that a college education is the best investment they can make for their children (Miller, 1997). Developing a plan to pay college costs is an essential part of early educational planning, often leading students and parents to discuss college costs, research various colleges and their academic programs, and explore financial aid opportunities (Hossler, Schmit, & Vesper, 1999). However, many parents neglect or are unable to save money, or do not have a plan to pay for college when their children are young. These families may perceive that they cannot afford college. Many students and parents also lack knowledge and information about college costs and options of paying for postsecondary education. Even among high school juniors and seniors who plan to attend college, few have accurate information about college costs. Schools can help students develop educational goals by providing career and postsecondary planning information, beginning in the middle school. Counselors, teachers, principals, and other school personnel often influence students’ educational goals and postsecondary planning. Throughout their school years, most students take standardized achievement tests and complete career interest measures to assess academic performance and assist in postsecondary planning. Schools can integrate test information into the course selection process to show students how test results align with classroom performance and what academic skills they need to develop through future courses. Counselors and teachers can review assessment results with students and parents to guide course selection and placement in the proper course level to fit the students’ academic preparation and achievement (Wimberly, 2003). Low-income parents and students often report that they do not receive adequate information about financial aid. They often lack knowledge about the application process and what financial aid is available to them. Consequently, low-income parents and students may not develop a college finance plan (Cabrera & La Nasa, 2000). Many high achieving low-income students are more likely to enter the military than college because of failing to develop a plan to pay for college costs (Choy, 2000). Popular media stories about rising tuition costs and budget cuts at colleges and universities may compound the issue by making it seem that a college education is unaffordable. This, in turn, may cause many students and their families not to seek college finance information. Students often enter their senior year of high school believing they are ready for college because they have completed required courses. This leads to the development of particularly bad study habits and skills during the senior year (Conley, 2001; Kirst, 2000; National Commission on the High School Senior Year, 2001). In this fashion, the lack of a coherent, developmentally sequenced program of study also contributes to deficiencies in other key areas, including study skills and time management. In fact, it is difficult to imagine a preparation program that emphasizes time management and study skills but does not sequence challenge levels that develop these skills progressively from year to year. What does it mean to be college ready? Previous research suggests that being ready for college means having the academic content knowledge and skills needed to pass college level courses (Conley 2007; Roderick, Nagaoka & Coca 2009), including course grades, standardized test scores, and the degree of rigor of courses taken. Additional research suggests that motivational or non-cognitive factors can be important determinants of success in college (Dweck, Walton & Cohen 2011). These factors include tenacity: maintaining a positive attitude toward learning and being able to persist when the going gets tough. Being college ready also encompasses having â€Å"college knowledge† that includes knowing how to apply to college and for financial aid (Conley 2007). Because college is truly different from high school, college readiness is fundamentally different than high school competence. Students fresh out of high school may think a college course is very much like a similarly named high school class taken previously only to find out that expectations are fundamentally different The college instructor is more likely to emphasize a series of key thinking skills that students, for the most part, do not develop extensively in high school. They expect students to make inferences, interpret results, analyze conflicting explanations of phenomena, support arguments with evidence, solve complex problems that have no obvious answer, reach conclusions, offer explanations, conduct research, engage in the give-and-take of ideas, and generally think deeply about what they are being taught (National Research Council, 2002). College is different from high school in many important ways, some obvious, some not so obvious. College is the first place where we expect young people to be adults, not large children. Almost all of the rules of the game that students have so carefully learned and mastered over the preceding 13 years of schooling are either discarded or modified drastically. The pupil-teacher relationship changes dramatically as do expectations for engagement, independent work, motivation, and intellectual development. All of this occurs at a time when many young people are experiencing significant independence from family and from the role of child for the first time. No wonder that the transition from high school to college is one of the most difficult that many people experience during a lifetime. At the same time, college faculty consistently report that freshman students need to be spending nearly twice the time they indicate spending currently to prepare for class (National Survey of Student Engagement, 2006) These students do not enter college with a work ethic that prepares them for instructor expectations or course requirements College freshmen who are most successful are those who come prepared to work at the levels faculty members expect. Those who do not are much less likely to progress beyond entry-level courses, as witnessed by the high  failure rates in these courses and the significant proportion of college student who drop out during the freshman year. Finally, the relationship between teacher and student can be much different than in high school. An oft-cited example by college faculty is the first-term freshman who is failing the course, shows up at office hours near the end of the term, and requests â€Å"extra credit† in order to be able to pass. College instructors are often mystified by such requests. The students are equally mystified by the instructor reaction, since this strategy has worked very well for the student throughout high school In other words, the cultural and social expectations about learning and performance that students encounter tend to be vastly different as well. The scores students receive on state tests may not be good indicators of college readiness, but students may believe that passage of the state test is just such an indicator. Recent data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) suggest a fundamental disconnect between trends and scores on state tests and on NAEP tests, which has triggered a federal study of state definitions of â€Å"proficiency† (Cavanagh, 2006) When performance on state tests is compared to NAEP performance, significant differences exist from state to state, and students can show improvement on state tests and not corresponding improvement on NAEP In other words, it is very difficult to know what successful performance on a state test really means. A student who meets all aspects of the college readiness definition would gain in several ways. One is, the student would be comfortable in essentially any entry-level general education course. This is an important level to attain because failure to succeed in one or more general education courses during the first year is closely associated with failure to continue in college (Choy, 2001; Choy, Horn, Nunez, & Chen, 2000). A definition of college readiness must also address the issue of how students combine the various facets of college readiness. For students, the combination is more complex because it includes the elements under the school’s control along with those that are not. In particular, students need to understand what it really means to be college-ready. They need to understand what they must do as well as what the system requires or expects of them. They must, first and foremost, understand that college admission is a reasonable and realistic goal that can be attained through planning and diligent attention to necessary tasks. Successful academic preparation for college is grounded in two important dimensions—key cognitive strategies and content knowledge Understanding and mastering key content knowledge is achieved through the exercise of broader cognitive skills embodied within the key cognitive strategies. With this relationship in mind, it is entirely proper and worthwhile to consider some of the general areas in which students need strong grounding in content that is foundational to the understanding of academic disciplines The case for the importance of challenging content as the framework for developing thinking skills and key cognitive strategies has been made elsewhere and will not be repeated in depth here (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000). Our study clearly shows that many students and their families are not considering college finances as part of their early educational and postsecondary planning. As early as sixth grade, schools can help reverse this trend by encouraging families to explore college finance options. School personnel should be knowledgeable about financial aid and scholarship opportunities, the financial aid process, and how students and parents can obtain financial aid. Schools should also partner with local college financial aid officers, bank representatives, and other community resources to provide financial aid information and help with early postsecondary planning. Students need to take the responsibility to utilize the information presented to them on college academic and financial requirements and to discuss this information with adults in their lives who may be able to help them. Not all students have supportive family environments, but support can come from other quarters as well, and students need to be encouraged to reach out to and interact with adults who can help them navigate the college readiness gauntlet, whether these adults are relatives, community service staff, or adults at the school who may be paid staff or volunteers. Young people need personal contact and guidance to know how to become, and believe they are capable of being, college-ready.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Who am I and why do I want to be a social worker Essay

Just like most children, I had my fantasies and wishes of becoming a medical doctor so I could help alleviate the sufferings of many. Although this desire was not actualised as I ended up studying engineering but i always felt a big vacuum and an unquenchable desire which i couldn’t explain until I became a care support worker In my early years as a growing young girl in Africa, abuse and injustice happened on a daily basis and nothing was done about it. Female genital mutilation was a tradition and many female children died in the process. A tradition where women were treated like slaves, children suffered abuse and neglect and not even the government could stop it. Although I did not go through any of this because my parents were educated and civilised, but these horrible incidents happened right before me to those my friends, neighbours and relatives and the sight of these oppression and injustices broke my heart but being that I was only a child, I couldn’t intervene. However, this encounter kept playing like a video in my mind till now that is has become clearer that my pursuit of becoming a social worker will answer my many questions. My interest in pursuing this career was birthed when I worked alongside some charitable organisations in Nigeria during my National Youth Service. My service was in the health care setting where I had the opportunity to help people with diverse family problems, health challenges, domestic violence, rape etc, and liaising with other non-governmental agencies to work with the less advantaged to achieve better lives. This experience went a long way in healing my broken heart as a young innocent girl that grew up where injustice thrived. I have always been of the opinion that, if, everyone contributes positively towards the society by way of giving help and support where needed, this world will be a better place. I further developed a keen interest to train in this career over the years because of my work and experience as a support worker and work with young homeless people in Germany. As a support worker, I worked with older people with learning disabilities and supported them in their own homes and in residential settings. During my residence in Germany, I pioneered a charity organisation that was responsible to organise music concerts in the hospitals settings, residential homes for both the elderly and young people. I am deeply passionate, patient, and tolerant and enjoy the service of humanity. Since arriving here in UK, I have had the opportunity of working as a support worker and have further acquired and improved my skills in areas such as communication, psychology and total well-being of individuals. I have also been able to work effectively with older people with disabilities by providing continuous support to them. Being a support worker has also helped to improve my confidence, patience, interpersonal skills, and initiative. Supporting and empowering people have always been my passion and becoming a social worker will mean actualising my long awaited dream. According to Open University (2013) [internet], social work is a profession which aims to protect children and adult from harm whatever their age, gender and cultural background. Social work thrives on social justice which is based on the concept of equality, human right, fairness, mutual obligation in the society and helping to reduce poverty in the society. The latest issue on poverty according to Department for work and pension and Department of education (2013) [internet], there are almost 300,000 households in the UK where none of the adults has ever worked and 300,000 children with parents going through drug issues. What will become of these children being raised in such a precarious situation? To deal with these issues, there is a need for solving the problem from its root rather than approaching it on the surface. Helping these troubled families turn their lives around is paramount because children in such homes will have their chances of success reduced and this will be passed on to their next generation. I believe that while trying to improve the lives of adults and youths especially those with drug and alcoholic problems, helping children overcome poverty without waiting for it to escalate into bigger issues is appropriate. Family instability leads to poverty not just to the concerned families but to the whole nation in general. Social justice is also about making family, community and society function better without prejudice, oppression, discrimination and inequality, providing the support and tools to help make life more comfortable. Some of the challenges encountered in the society have its roots traceable to early life. Evidence suggests that children tend to enjoy better life, become successful, and thrive better both psychologically and developmentally when the same two parents are able to support and protect them through childhood stage. Attachment theory proves that the earliest bond between children and their parents have a tremendous long lasting impact that continues throughout their life time. How we are depends on how we experience this early relationship. Payne, M (2005). Another burning issue on my mind is people with disabilities and how they are being treated. Having an African background, my experience with children with disability is heart breaking. Africa has one of the largest populations of children with disabilities in the world. Their predicament which is swept under the carpet is also characterised by an exclusion from social service, inaccessible infrastructure as well as neglect and abuse. In fact, there’s no program or assistance for the disabled in Africa both old and young. Taken into consideration that we live in a diverse society where we encounter people with different culture, backgrounds, race, believes, values etc, there’s every need to accommodate, tolerate and celebrate each other regardless of these differences. As a would be social worker, I intend facilitating change in some areas where lesser attention is paid. I am very passionate about family welfare and ensuring healthy relationship between children and their parents. I will ensure that I put into practice the social work values and ethics which will be acquired during my course of study combining it with my own values.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Marketing Management, Eleventh Edition

Visual Consistency was the main feature of Crispin’s advertising campaign. They gave full focus to the support background. In both their advertising campaigns they promoted the chicken costume and the Coq Roq Band rather than starting the ad with it and ending with advertising the Tender Crisp chicken and chicken fries. This made the promotion not too commercial and â€Å"uncool† as believed by the young generation.Crispin did not keep the campaign duration very long. They concentrated on creating a surprising, short yet captive campaign as found in www. subservientchicken. com where the last icon was the only indication of BK’s promotion. They even went on promoting the created Coq Roq Band before airing their ads on MTV and VH-1. The tagline identified by Crispin was â€Å"Have it your way. † This tagline was used for all the promotional activities developed for Burger King.This simple but sticky tagline helped in word-of mouth publicity which is conside red to be more convincing and effective. Burger King was consistently positioned as the youth’s eating style. The Brand positioning was such that the young people could identify Burger King with themselves. It was positioned as food (fast food) meant for young men. Simplicity was the central theme of BK as they shied away from being too commercial. The promotion included in-store signage to message on cups with the tagline â€Å"Have it your way.† This helped in better retention and understanding of the message by its target audience. Identifiable Selling Point of Burger King is its customized burger service to customers. This is its unique selling point (USP). This means giving a sense of importance and uniqueness to customers as they feel well served. This gives an edge to Burger King over its competitors. Works Cited Page Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Eleventh Edition, Pearson Education Publishers, Delhi, 2003

Friday, September 13, 2019

(Social classes of Aztec Civilization) Research Paper

(Social classes of Aztec Civilization) - Research Paper Example As a people, the Aztecs have a dynamic social system and these social classes shall now be discussed in this paper. This paper will describe and discuss the social classes of the Aztec civilization in order to arrive at a more academic and specific understanding of the Aztecs and in order to further comprehend the social workings of ancient civilizations. In general, the Aztec civilization was classified into different social groupings. The emperor was at the very top of these classes and beneath him were the nobles and the priests (Lambert, n.d). After the nobles and priests were the merchants, craftsmen, and the peasants, at the very bottom of these social groupings were the slaves (Lambert, n.d). In this society, the merchants were considered to have a class of their own and they were known to inhabit their own areas in the cities where their children often ended up marrying the children of fellow merchants (Lambert, n.d). Merchants who had to travel long distances to trade their wares were called pochteca. The slaves in Aztec society were those who committed crimes and were later sentenced to slavery; and others were poor people who were forced to sell themselves into slavery (Lambert, n.d). These slaves still had some inherent rights – they could marry or buy their own property and their children were considered free men (Lambert, n.d). The foundation of most societies is the family. This is also the same for the Aztecs where the family unit is considered a very important part of their society. Such family unit consists of the parents and their unmarried children (Oracle, n.d). The members of the family support each other and each member is nurtured and is taught basic survival functions. In many cases, these families often grow to extended proportions to include the married children and their children. These extended families are often called upon to

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Role of Unions and Human Relations Management Personnel Research Paper

Role of Unions and Human Relations Management Personnel - Research Paper Example This disadvantage results from the strikes which are undertaken by the labor unions for different reasons at different intervals. The decisions to go on a strike, for the acquiring of improved working environment or wages, involves many such social and professional factors which can be a big harm to the performance of the organization and employees. Moreover, the creativity, achievements and good performance of workers is not rewarded. Due to the strikes and labor union activities, the underachievers are also paid for their services same as the high performers. The union workers are normally hard to be fired, so they decrease the productivity as well as the profit potential of the organization. One of the other factors is that these unions make the individual employees lose their freedom of speech and the strength of voice in the organization (Baccaro, 2008). The human resources management personnel are the major people to be playing the contributing role in binding the people of the organization together. They organize various activities through which the people in the workforce of the company come together and work with each other. Through this process, they come to know about each other in a better manner. When the new employees are inducted into the organization, they are welcomed and are made to know the other people of the company by the human resource management officer. All the breaks, free time and leisure is managed by the HR relations officer and the productive relations, proper association and communication of colleagues with each other are assured by them in a better manner. The employee relation s manager plays the role of a link or a connection between the management and the employees within the organization. He is even responsible to collect the information of the labor unions to assist its activities and collective bargaining roles. He also makes the employees